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  Metadata++ - Selecting the tags to display in Report mode

Selecting the generic set
First, click the Tags button in the ribbon or right-click the header list (Report mode)
Selecting tags

Check the tags to display in the main list (in Report mode).
Tag is the name of the tag.
A stands for Alterable.
  string tag The tag is stored as a string
  int tag The tag is stored as an int
  combo tag The tag is stored as a string, the available values are fixed and stored in a combobox.
  date tag The tag is stored as a date.
  rating tag The tag is stored as a rate.
  empty When no icon the tag can't be modified.
Type is Metadata type (EXIF, IPTC, XMP, System).
Width is the width of the field, on screen. Double-click the field to modify it or drag the hedaer of the main list.

Clicking the button EXIF will select all the Exif tags, IPTC all the Iptc etc...
All the available tags are listed here.

The 'Name' tag cannot be modified (it's the name of the file).
Modifiable tags are described with a small icon.

   text Text tag
   date Int tag
   date Date tag
   date Combo (multiple-choice) tag
   rating Rating

After clicking Apply the result will apply immediately to the list: checked tags will be displayed on screen.

  ⚠ A 'modifiable' tag does not mean that every kind of file can accept that tag. For example a JPEG image cannot be associated with the 'Author' tag.

(Std) stands for Standard. Metadata++ will use the native Windows procedures to find metadata and will not use ExifTool.
The process is quicker but displays less tags.

The maximum of columns that can be displayed simultaneously should be limited to 100.

string tag
Five tags are displayed, each one can be modified (color blue).

Metadata++ User guide
Copyright Jean Piquemal 2020. All rights reserved.
This edition was produced on February 07th 2020.