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  Metadata++ - Setup: Maps
Modern smartphone embed GPS coordinates in each photo they take. Yes, those photos you’re taking have location data embedded in them — at least by default. Many modern digital cameras also do this. Metadata++ will display maps, if your photo has GPS metadata, when you will click the icon GPS in the ribbon.

Window Map View

Aerial view overlays satellite imagery onto the map and highlights roads and major landmarks for easy identification amongst the satellite images.
Birds eye view tends to be from above, but at a flying height of a bird, so object/people are larger, and there is angle perspective.
Aerial view is typically from airplanes or satellites and are much smaller/larger scale with less angle perspective.

Zoom level
Defines the level of zoom to apply to the view, from 1 (no zoom) to 20 (zoom max).

Include traffic informations
Displays traffic information overlaid on the roads.

Aerial View

Even if the camera app embedded the wrong location into your picture files, you can manually adjust the coordinates with Metadata++. See Modifying GPS metadata with Metadata++

Metadata++ User guide
© Logipole 2019. All rights reserved.
This edition was produced on June 14th 2019.