Konvertor FM - Color filters.
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Adaptative Threshold + Black Threshold + B&W Nearest Color
B&W Burke + B&W Stucki +Color Contrast
Sigmoidal Contrast + Contrast + Gamma Correction
GBR + Dither + Gray Scale
HSL Colorize + Gray + Negate

Negate Adjust + Invert + Red Channel

Scarie + Palette + Shade
Shift + Sepia + Transparent
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Buying Choices:
Konvertor Personal License €29.90 - $39.00 |
Konvertor Business License €60.00 - $78.00 |
We Offer A Free Trial Version: Try The Software, Risk Free.
Konvertor FM runs on all versions of Windows from XP
through Vista, 7 and Server Editions.
Minimum hardware requirements:
Intel Pentium® or AMD K5 processor
with 166 MHz
Start Exploring Your Files Now!
Once you try Konvertor FM, we think you will find yourself using it daily in diagnosing all sorts of issues. An important and widely recognized benefit is its stability. Works very well, reasonable price, combined they equal a stunning value.