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  Metadata++ - Batch Export



Click Export in the ribbon to access this window.
The metadata will be exported to the Export folder, in the specified format.

Different formats available:
* csv: Comma Separated Value, this file type file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. More details here.
* html: Hypertext Markup Language, standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. More details here.
* json: JavaScript Object Notation, open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types. More detaile here.
* txt: text file. More details here.

Different kinds of metadata available:
* EXIF, IPTC, XMP, GPS, MakerNotes
* Private lists See Private lists
* Multimedia formats with specific metadata (FITS, MP3, PDF, PNG, TIFF...)

If you did not select any file in the main filelist you must enter a folder name in the Metadata Folder Name field. All the reports can be gathered in a single file, click Export to a single file. This file can be displayed when the process ends if Display the file at end is checked.

Text format additional parameters:
Tag Id and Group name: Add the Id in hexadecimal and the group name to the output.
Don't use Composite: The composite tags are derived from the valuesof other tags.
Short output: Very short output formats (no tabs)

Csv format additional parameter:
Anonymous: Will produce an anonymous csv, without including the filename (replaced by a '*').
This can be useful if you want to import this csv into another photo.

HTML format additional parameters:
HTML Dump: Generate HTML-format binary dump.
Escape characters: Escape characters in output values for HTML. All characters with Unicode code points above U+007F are escaped as well as the following 5 characters: & (&) ' (') " (") > (>) and < (<).

Metadata++ User guide
Copyright Jean Piquemal 2020. All rights reserved.
This edition was produced on January 14th 2020.