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  Metadata++ - Displaying metadata in the Meta Panel

Meta Panel Open the Meta Panel by clicking its icon in the ribbon.
Click a filename to display its metadata.
Meta Panel
Meta Panel
All tags are listed by alphabetical list, by metadata type (system, iptc, exif...)
Click its icon to show/hide a specific metadata type:
   system System / File
   composite Composite
   specific Format Specific
   exif EXIF
   composite IPTC
   composite XMP
   icc ICC
   gps GPS
   makernotes MakerNotes

The Tag-Id is the computer-readable equivalent of the tag name and is the identifier that is actually stored in the file.
A stands for Alterable. The tag can be alterable if this field contains one of the following icon:
   string tag The tag is stored as a string
   combo tag The tag is stored as a string, the available values are fixed and stored in a combobox.
   date tag The tag is stored as a date.
   rating tag The tag is stored as a rate.
   empty When no icon the tag can't be modified.

See also How to modify metadata directly from the Meta Panel.

Metadata++ User guide
Copyright Jean Piquemal 2019. All rights reserved.
This edition was produced on June 13th 2019.